Os animamos a participar esta tarde en el workshop que tendrá lugar esta tarde y en el que Marina Albentosa (IEO-CSIC) presentará el proyecto RemediOs con la participación de ANSE. #SaveOurOcean #OceanDecade
Podéis inscribiros en el siguiente enlace: https://rediris.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_R6nUP5PhQni1CyIfwLuy8g.
Workshop de restauración de ostras bajo la iniciativa de la Década de los Océanos, dentro del objetivo «A healthy and resilient ocean» (https://www.oceandecade-conference.com/en/a-healthy-and-resilient-ocean.html).
Programada para el día 10 de marzo:
- 14:00: Introduction of the Ocean Decade and the Laboratory; Eve Galimany, ICATMAR/Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), Spain
- 14:05: A global view of oyster restoration; Boze Hancock, The Nature Conservancy, Global Team Reef
- 14:20: Introduction toNORA; Hein Sas, NORA secretary & Sas consultancy, The Netherlands
- 14:30: Oyster historical ecology; Ruth Thurstan, University of Exeter,UK
- 14:45: Oyster restoration projects in Europe; Philine zu Ermgassen, The University of Edimburgh, Scotland
- 15:00: Oyster restoration outreach and communication tools; Corina Peter, Alfred WegenerInstitute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and MarineResearch (AWI), Germany &Katrin Wollny-Goerke, meeresmedien, Germany
- 15:15: Launching RemediOS project; Marina Albentosa, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC), Spain)
- 15:30: Q&A
- 15:55: Wrap up
- 16:00: End of the workshop